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Leoti-Wichita County USD 467

Board of Education


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Board of Education Agenda - July 8, 2019

AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION July 8, 2019 Unified School District No. 467, Wichita County, Kansas 
1. The Board of Education of Unified School District #467, Wichita County, Kansas will meet in regular session on Monday, July 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board office in Leoti. 
2. Please stand for the Pledge. 
3. Members: Brian Gerstberger, Jason Koehn, Jim Myers, Tammy Simons. Farrin Watt, Brandon Whalen and Josh Young. 
4. Approval of the consent agenda for the meeting which consists of: A. Approval of the agenda for the meeting. B. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Education for June 10, 2019. C. Payment of bills.  D. Personnel Actions: 1. Appointment of Clerk: Tammy Mason is recommended. 2. Appointment of Treasurer: Teresa Ricke is recommended. 3. Appointment of a Deputy Clerk: Beverly Higgins is recommended. 4. Approve a contract with Christina Baber, Summer Drivers’ Ed teacher. 5. Accept a resignation from Rachel Wiggs as bus driver. 

 5. Consideration for approval of the following Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 2020-01 concerning the Treasurer. B. Resolution No. 2020-02 concerning meeting dates of the Board. C. Resolution No. 2020-03 concerning depository of funds. D. Resolution No. 2020-04 concerning waiver of requirements of fixed assets accounting practices. E. Resolution No. 2020-05 concerning activity funds. F. Resolution No. 2020-06 concerning early payment of bills to avoid penalties and/or take advantage of early discounts and the reimbursement of expenses incurred for extracurricular activities. G. Resolution No. 2020-07 concerning establishing home rule by the Board of Education. H. Resolution No. 2020-08 requiring teaching of Constitution on September 17 as required by Federal law as a condition of receipt of Federal funding. 
6. Consideration of setting Petty Cash limits for each of the District’s activity funds: WCES = $300; WCJSHS = $1500; Board Office = $1000 
7. Consideration of designating the Leoti Standard as the newspaper for legal publications: To be so designated, the newspaper must be published at least once weekly within the boundaries of the school district 
8.   Consideration of designation of non-elected personnel to satisfy State & Federal requirements:  Each building principal to serve as the school official to report truancies for students who should be attending their respective attendance center for the 2019-20 school year.  Keith Higgins as the purchasing agent for the school.  Tammy Mason as the school food service representative.  Also approval of the School Food Service Program Agreement and Certificate of Authority/Application for Participation.  Also approval for participation in the free milk program for eligible preschool students.   Delbert Schmidt as the hearing officer for free and reduced price meal applications.  Jana Simon as the USD 467 Civil Rights Compliance Officer.  Tammy Mason as Designated Agent for Kansas Public Employees Retirement System with Teressa Ricke as alternate signer.  Each building principal as custodian of activity account receipts.  Jana Simon as the homeless liaison and LCP coordinator.   
9.    Consideration for approval of items concerning the Approved 2019-20 School Calendar:  Adoption of a 1,116 hour calendar for 2019-20.  Designation of inclement weather days: May 22 and 26, 2020. 

10. Consideration for approval of the lunch and breakfast prices for 2019-20: Prices are going up this year to keep in compliance with Federal Regs.        Lunch Prices  Breakfast Prices  Single Student Meal K-6 $2.60     $1.30      Single Student Meal 7-12 $3.00     $1.60   Milk   $0.40    Adult meal prices  $3.85     $2.20    
11.   Consideration for approval of book rental and other enrollment fees for 2019-20:  Preschool:   qualifying for At-Risk $285.00 (full pay at enrollment) or    $315.00 ($35.00/month August thru April)  not qualifying for At-Risk $575.00 (full pay at enrollment) or    $630.00 ($70.00/month August thru April)    (all include daily milk)  
 Preschool Supply Fee $25.00 
 Grades K-6: $50.00 (includes workbooks)  Grades 7-8: $60.00 (includes workbooks)  Grades 9-12: $60.00 (does not include workbooks) (Enrollment fees for grades 7-12 will include a $35.00 technology fee)  Summer Driver’s Ed. $100.00 in district students   $200.00 out of district students 12.  Consideration of substitute teacher pay for 2019-20: Certified Substitutes $110.00 per day  Non-Certified Substitutes $  90.00 per day 

13.  Audiences with groups or individuals wishing to make reports or requests. A.  Simone Elder and Nikki Bjurstrom—BCBS Pathways update.  B.  Haydon Parks and Brant Douglas—athletic update. 
14. Superintendent’s report. 
15.  Approve the 2020 Program Agreement for School Nutrition. 
16. Discussion and consideration of approving the June 2019 recommended KASB policy revisions. 
17. Executive session for negotiations. 
18. Consideration of approving the 2019-20 Negotiated Agreement. 

19.  Adjournment

Unified School District #467 District Goals         

Academic Success                      Civic Engagement                        Effective Communication 


